I've found another decent use: wishing everyone a sacrilicious holiday. I've never been one to allow success to happen to me without taking immediate corrective measures, so it's best to immediately sabotage all the goodwill and interest from economist Brad DeLong's "The True Spirit of Christmas" link to us by undermining all those nice Christian sentiments expressed in the first Robert Byrd Death Prayer piece. The only remedy for a sincere and well-meaning invocation of Christian forbearance is a bunch of "you're so fat" jokes choked with references to early Christian heresies and high-church liturgy.
I'm still not sure how this happened. I was trading jokes with a guy named "Bro_Pair," who to the best of my knowledge is an American student studying Arabic in the middle east. From one of his jokes about Brittany Murphy that used the word "Manichaean," I leapt to a joke about the demiurge, and from there, a very funny guy named Brendle (whose more serious writing you can find here) jumped in. Then the conversation transformed to "yo mama so heretical..." and took on a life of its own.
Everybody get on Twitter. Here's why:

Merry Christmas, everyone! Here's to closing out the rest of 2009 in style.