Okay, I realize this entry is sort of thin. So, uh...

The official blog of notorious former African dictator Mobutu Sese Seko
In the early parts of the twentieth century, a gifted dark-skinned Cuban player named Luis Bustamante committed suicide. In his farewell note he wrote the five haunting words that summed up crushed dreams and suppressed rage.
He wrote: "They won't let us prove."
— Joe Posnanski, The Soul of Baseball
If Gandhi had played baseball, he would have been Buck O'Neil.
— Leigh Montville
a. You, the viewer, are too stupid to understand that drug addictions distort reality, so perhaps you need this visually reinforced in virtually every scene.
b. The shittier it looks, the more authentically artistic you will think it is.
Me: I've always sort of liked Bette Davis.
Someone Else: Is it because of her... Bette Davis eyes?
Me: No.
Someone Else: Oh.
Me: Why would it be that?
Someone Else: What?
Me: Why would it be because of her Bette Davis eyes? I mean, who else's eyes would she have?
5 — Entertaining, unquestionable classic
e.g. Crime and Punishment, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy,
The Struggle for Mastery in Europe
4 — Slightly flawed lit, excellent pop book, good but
dated/historiographically questionable history
e.g. War and Peace, Patrick O'Brian,
The Origins of the Second World War
3 — Good but dullish literature, good but unserious book,
workmanlike history
e.g. Bleak House, any Bill Bryson, Gilbert's History of the
20th Century
2 — Seriously flawed but entertaining, airplane novel, pop history
e.g. late Vonnegut, Tim Dorsey books, almost any history on a
Barnes & Noble discount table with a title like, Typhus!
1 — Burn it! Send it to hell!
e.g. Richardson, Clancy, Coulter